
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

Mulligatawny Soup: Curry in a Hurry

Mulligatawny Soup: Curry in a Hurry

I detest food waste. It's a trait I come by honestly. My mom had five kids plus dad to feed and typical of the farmers in our corner of Saskatchewan, she and dad were children of the Great Depression who were raised with not 10, but 11 Commandments—the extra one being...

Camp Cookhouse, Elkwater, AB

Camp Cookhouse, Elkwater, AB

I am still dreaming about the socca (chickpea pancake) I had at the Camp Cookhouse in Elkwater, AB. If you've never been to Cypress Hills Provincial Park south of Medicine Hat, put it on your places to visit in 2018. And, go eat at Camp Cookhouse. You can thank me...

CBC Edmonton’s Best Restaurant List 2017

CBC Edmonton’s Best Restaurant List 2017

Phil Wilson (Baconhound), Edmonton AM host Adrienne Pan, and I offered up our picks for 12 food categories: Best Restaurant, Best Vegetarian, Most Creative, What/Who to Watch, Best Brunch, etc. We debated over the 12 categories. What category should make the cut? Is...

Praise be to Salz!

Praise be to Salz!

This was my response to a friend who commented a few weeks ago on how wonderful it is to find someone who makes a decent sausage. Edmonton, as of late, is home to new crop of very fine sausage makers: Steve Furgiuele of Fuge Fine Meat;  Peter Keith and Will Kotowicz...

The Butternut Tree at the Ledgeview Centre

The Butternut Tree at the Ledgeview Centre

Chef Scott Downey is hoping he's got the right stuff to make his Butternut Tree restaurant a longstanding occupant of the space inside the Ledgeview Centre at 9707 110 St. Several restaurateurs have tried before but it's a quirky location and most have only lasted a...