
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

Cafe Haven – Sherwood Park’s Gem

Cafe Haven – Sherwood Park’s Gem

Cafe Haven, a bistro/coffee house in Sherwood Park has been around for a few years and is well-known to local residents. I've frequented this little restaurant several times but recently when I stopped in for lunch, I felt it had really hit its stride. The owners,...

An Outsider’s Peek Inside Pok Pok – Portland,OR

An Outsider’s Peek Inside Pok Pok – Portland,OR

Five days in Portland gave us only a taste of wonderful things this city has to offer. PDX, as it is sometimes called, is high on the global radar list as a must-stop food destination and its not hard to understand why when you consider the talent of the chefs in the...

Bird’s Nest Soup – A Once in a Lifetime Lunch

It's not every day that you come across bird spit soup on a menu, so when we saw it featured at the Palazzo's Asian restaurant, Zine, in Vegas, we had no choice but to order it. The lychee martinis may have had something to do with our decision, after all, the soup...

Monta Ramen House, Las Vegas – Sweet Merciful Ramen!

Monta Ramen House, Las Vegas – Sweet Merciful Ramen!

A night of over consumption in Las Vegas had us in search of hangover food the next day. Vietnamese Pho is usually a good fixer-upper but lately I've been curious about ramen, a soup dish that has become hugely popular across North America. In fact, I had just...

Thermomix Goes to Harvard

Thermomix Goes to Harvard

Canadian Foodie, Valerie Rodgers-Lugonja, sent me an email last week with a rather odd request asking if I would be interested in taking my Thermomix (and hers) to Harvard University. The machines were needed for a food science demonstration being put on by Bill...