
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

Chew On This: Where to Eat in Central Oregon

Chew On This: Where to Eat in Central Oregon

Central Oregon has a lot going for it: unparalleled beauty, fresh air, lakes, desserts, mountains, endless outdoor activities, and really good food. I'm talking stellar stuff, folks. Because of its population (80,000 +/-) the city of Bend is where a lot of good nosh...

Three Boars – Eat, Share, Love

Three Boars – Eat, Share, Love

It took me three tries to get into Three Boars Eatery but I finally made it. After being foiled by lengthy lineups on two occasions, we got smart and went early on a Tuesday at 5 p.m. (an hour after they opened). If you're into craft beer or single malt scotch or...

Eat Alberta 2012: I do, and I did.

What happens when 100+ curious, food-loving Albertans get together for a day of hands-on and educational food sessions? A whole lot of food-love, that's what. April 14th, 2012 was the day of the 2nd Eat Alberta conference hosted by NAIT, and organized by a whiz-bang...

Bubba’s – Edmonton’s King of BBQ

Bubba’s – Edmonton’s King of BBQ

Every day is a good day for barbecue and nothing stops us Canucks from firing up the bbq even when the temperature drops well below zero. For a long time, Rand Peterson--the man behind Bubba's BBQ--served tasty hunks of charred meat to avid followers from his trailer...