
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

Dumplings Restaurant – Review

Dumplings Restaurant – Review

I want to share a little dumpling love with you. I stumbled across this restaurant just after they opened August 2010 and it didn't take long for me to become a devotee. I've blogged about Dumplings in the past (click here for the first post, and here for a later...

Canadian Maple Syrup — Liquid Gold

Canadian Maple Syrup — Liquid Gold

We've just returned from a conference in Dubai and London where we took gifts to fellow attendees and relatives in England. Peoples' eyes lit right up when they saw what we had brought: ice wine and maple syrup, two iconically Canadian food products. Yesterday I...

Noorish – An Enlightening Food Experience

Noorish – An Enlightening Food Experience

I’m an omnivore; I’ll eat anything—but I have a particular fondness for meat. Juicy, chewy, charred or chilled, raw, roasted, braised or broiled. These incisors weren’t meant for attacking bananas, no sir. I like meat; I like it a lot. Naturally I started to salivate...

More Yak News

More yak meat information is hitting the airwaves: First, here's a new recipe for Yak-Cross Pulled Beef  from my friends Russ and Melissa Friesen, the people who breed and raise Tibetan Yak/Angus Cross Cattle near Pincher Creek. This looks delicious! Also, my pal Mark...

Sage at the River Cree Casino – Review

Sage at the River Cree Casino – Review

We were kid-free and ready for a getaway last weekend. Vegas sounded like a good idea. People often tell me of finding amazing last minute deals for Vegas. Surely, I thought, we'd be able to find something. Surely...not.  Apparently amazing last minute deals are for...