

The Fernie Food Tour

The Fernie Food Tour

I've traveled to and through British Columbia so many times, I can't even count anymore. Usually, the Okanagan or Vancouver Island is my destination but two weekends ago, a few food/travel writers and I were invited to stay, play and eat in Fernie, and, oh how we did....

Cranbrook, BC: Lonely Planet’s Missed Opportunity

Cranbrook, BC: Lonely Planet’s Missed Opportunity

What happens when a travel writer slams a town for having nothing to offer? The town fights back. Rule #1 of Write Club: Never Piss Off the Locals. The person who wrote the blurb for Lonely Planet about Cranbrook—describing it as 'a dusty crossroads', 'charmless',...

Christmas in November at Jasper Park Lodge

Christmas in November at Jasper Park Lodge

There is hardly a more postcard-perfect Christmas setting than that of the Fairmont's Jasper Park Lodge (JPL) framed by a winterscape of snowy mountains and a shimmering lake, and there's no better way to get in to the Christmas spirit than to attend the JPL's...

Where to Go in Europe: Vienna, Austria

Where to Go in Europe: Vienna, Austria

Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is known as the City of Music. More composers called Vienna home than any other city in Europe. For lovers of classical music, Vienna is the Jewel in the Crown.  But Vienna, or Wien (in German), is so much more than that.  If...