
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

Sabor Seafood Festival August 7-31, 2018

Sabor Seafood Festival August 7-31, 2018

The Sabor crew is at it again. Every August Chris and Chef Lino devote the whole month to the enjoyment of seafood. This year sees the 5th Annual Sabor Seafood Festival that runs August 7-31 with an Oceanwise-approved menu inspired by their world travels. Last week,...

Celebrate Food Day Canada August 4, 2018

Celebrate Food Day Canada August 4, 2018

August 4th is Food Day Canada—a day to recognize and celebrate the rich culinary bounty this country affords us. Considering we all eat, and considering we live in one of the most geographically and culturally diverse countries in the world, it's surprising that we...

KB and Co. – CBC Review

KB and Co. – CBC Review

After two months of eating deep-fried food (or so it seemed), I finally caught a break—and, boy did I need it. It had gotten to the point where just looking at someone's lawn had me salivating. I needed something green, something raw, something fresh...I was done with...

Barney’s Pub – CBC Review

Barney’s Pub – CBC Review

Two things happen when I see a restaurant menu loaded with words like free range and farm to table and grass-fed.  I get excited, and I get worried. More than one restaurant has used these words to simply tug at our heart-strings to get us through their door. We all...

Kanto – CBC Review

Kanto – CBC Review

When people cook the foods they grew up eating, they have a look of contentment and happiness on their face. Cooking this food is easy for them. It is done by rote and muscle memory. When I stopped in at Kanto, that's exactly how Edgar Gutierrez (head chef at...

Revel – CBC Review

Revel – CBC Review

June 14 update: Tony Krause is no longer with Revel and hasn't been cooking there since beginning of April. Kunal (formerly of the Butternut Tree)  is the head chef with Mike MacLean as sous. When MacLean came out of the kitchen to speak wth people at a table, I asked...

Dirtbag Café – CBC Review

Dirtbag Café – CBC Review

The Dirtbag Café has been up and running for about 18 months, but I only found it a few weeks ago while riding on the bike path behind MacEwan University. Through a bank of windows, I spied Edison bulbs and people with laptops and coffee cups sitting at a long wooden...

Holy Roller – CBC Review

Holy Roller – CBC Review

"Nice Legs, Shame About the Face" is a 1979 song by The Monks. It's also how I feel about Holy Roller, a restaurant just off Whyte Avenue. I've eaten there three times, and not once did I pat my belly and say, "Hot damn, that was good." Every single time I left, I...

Rooster Cafe – CBC Review

Rooster Cafe – CBC Review

Matzo ball soup, blintzes, bagels (really good bagels) and lox...these items have been a long time coming in Edmonton. Thankfully Charlie Rothman realized that, too. He's opened Rooster Kitchen on Whyte Ave and while the menu isn't 100% Jewish foods, a good portion of...