

Where to Eat and Drink in Palm Springs

Where to Eat and Drink in Palm Springs

Palm Springs has it all: the perfect climate (if you like hot and dry), perfect golf courses (if you like golf), titilating history (if you like Hollywood glamour and naughty pool parties), the perfect architecture (if you like Mid Century Modern), and the perfect...

There’s More to Palm Springs Than Golf…

There’s More to Palm Springs Than Golf…

Initially, you might think of Palm Springs as the mecca for retirees and golfers. You'd be absolutely correct. There are more golf courses in the Greater Palm Springs Area (GPSA) than you can shake a 9 iron at —115 courses at last count—but, there is more to Palm...

Austin, Texas: Why You Need to Go

Austin, Texas: Why You Need to Go

"Topographically, Austin is where east and west fuse. Politically, the blue dot in a blood-red state. Culturally, where barefoot and boots come together." So says Taylor Bruce, founder of the Wildsam Field Guides. Let the Austin edition of these field guides be your...

The Backroads: Houston to Austin, Texas

The Backroads: Houston to Austin, Texas

The drive from Houston to Austin should take you 2.5 hours - if you stay on the main highways (I-10 and State Highway 71), but main highways are for traveling wimps. There are way more interesting things to see if you take the backroads. Mind you, the I-10 overpasses...

24 Hours in Houston, Texas

24 Hours in Houston, Texas

United Airlines recently added direct flights to Houston out of the Edmonton International Airport. A four hour and twenty minute flight has you at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Our flight left at midnight, getting us in to Houston at just after 5 a.m.  Word...

Arctic Adventures: Traveling Solo in the North

Arctic Adventures: Traveling Solo in the North

My solo trip to the Arctic to talk with the surviving Ahiarmiut was something I chose to go ahead with a couple of months ago. My husband, who travels north of 60 on a regular basis, knows the ins and outs of northern travel. When I go with him, I follow him around,...