
Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, & More

The New North 53

The New North 53

I've been a fan of North 53 since the day it opened. Even before, in fact, when I heard they were one winery or two ahead of me throughout the entire Okanagan in 2013. If restaurant owners and staff were tasting their way through BC in search of wines for their...

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Foodster in Your Life

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Foodster in Your Life

Don't panic, there's still time to get some wonderful items for that food lover in your life. Check out my list and get shopping! Knifewear If you have someone in your life who loves to cook, then you must buy them a hand-forged Japanese knife from Knifewear. You just...

Decoding &27

Decoding &27

Oh, what a banner year for Edmonton restaurants! Woodwork, Rge Rd and North 53 gave us something to cheer about by all grabbing a toehold on the long list for enRoute's Best New Restaurants 2014. Rge Rd carried though by securing position number 4. It appears that...

How to Up Your Grilling Game

How to Up Your Grilling Game

It's nearing the end of November — otherwise known as Stage 4 Barbecuing and tonight we're cooking some gorgeous striploins. It snowed yesterday, but no big deal; Canadians never let a little snow bar the path to their outdoor grills. This summer, I received  a set of...

Good Food a Hot Topic at MacEwan University

Good Food a Hot Topic at MacEwan University

I wouldn't normally seek out a post secondary campus in search of food. What's happening at MacEwan University though, is not exactly normal. Schools don't have the best reputation for putting out good food, but, in the words of Bob Dylan, "the times, they are...

Downtown Diner – Comfort Food in the Fort

Downtown Diner – Comfort Food in the Fort

It doesn't matter what the current food trend is (molecular gastronomy, cronuts, sriracha-in-everything), comfort food never wavers: meatloaf, fried chicken, mac 'n cheese—you get the idea, comfort food is what we always come back to. Even those of us who didn't grow...