It’s an odd name, for sure. For some reason I thought it was the name of a German punk band that got chef/owner Ryan Hotchkiss through his teenage angst days, but no, Bündok stems from a Tagalog word that means mountains and has become a colloquialism for “out of the way” or “hard to access”.

I managed to find my way to Bündok (10228 – 104 Street) in downtown Edmonton without too much trouble. I also managed to eat my way through a good chunk of the menu.

Read my CBC review for full details.

If you don’t feel like reading, you can listen to on-air review.

And for your visual pleasure, scroll through the photos below, but note: the menu changes daily, so these items may or may not be available when you go.

Beef tartare

Chicken liver tartine

Grilled chicories (radicchio and endive)

Deep-fried chicken skin

Gnocchi, and lamb merguez sausage on rutabaga mash

Roasted, pan-fried cauliflower topped with crème fraîche and caper salt.

Citrus posset (custard topped with apple and fennel)

Seasonal dishes made with locally sourced items. Menu changes daily.