The Sabor crew is at it again. Every August Chris and Chef Lino devote the whole month to the enjoyment of seafood. This year sees the 5th Annual Sabor Seafood Festival that runs August 7-31 with an Oceanwise-approved menu inspired by their world travels.
Last week, they kicked off the festival by hosting a collaborative event with their chef friends, Lyndon Honda and Tom Muramoto, from the Sheraton Hotel on Ka’anapali Beach (Maui).
For a look at what we sampled that night, scroll through the photos. Also, understand that these photos show just how poor a job iPhone 6 does in low light. So, my apologies to the chefs — the food tasted so much better than what my 6 captured.
There were more, but… #iphone6sucks, so, if you want to see some really good pictures of the night, check out #saborseafoodfest on Instagram, and to book a table for lunch or dinner, you can do so via OpenTable or call Sabor at 780-757-1114.