Approximately 480,000 people are expected to attend Taste of Edmonton (TOE) this year. Billed as the largest food festival in Canada, there is no doubt that this event, now in its 31st season, is one of Edmonton’s best-attended festivals.
Does it mean people truly get a taste of what Edmonton’s food culture is all about? I hope not because we are more than this. We are better than this. Technically, yes, this is a taste of what some restaurants have to offer to almost half a million people who will pay $2.50 to $5.00 per sample-size portion but please don’t think this represents the finest of Edmonton’s culinary offerings.
It would make good sense for participating food vendors to offer enticing dishes with the end goal of persuading customers to seek out that restaurant for a meal in the future. It should not make festival-goers pitch the mostly uneaten item in to the garbage and feel the food was a waste of money. Unfortunately, the general consensus is exactly that, and this is not a new revelation; this food discord has been building for years. The quantity of food vendors has risen; sadly, the same can’t be said for the quality of the food.
Edmonton Sun writer, Graham Hicks, didn’t mince any words over how he felt about this year’s food, and, although Graham and I may differ in our opinions when it comes to restaurants, I wholeheartedly side with him on this one.
About one in three dishes are deep-fried so finding food with fewer calories was a challenge. Here’s what I tried that made me sigh — and not in a good way:
There are definitely some delectable dishes offered at Taste of Edmonton, but they are few and far between. Here’s some good news:
More details about the food and more information on my Taste of Edmonton experience can be heard here. Need a visual? Click here for the CBC web article.
I brought my grandkids downtown to the taste of Edmomton, and have today was very disappointed to not find any food for kids, at all. I have one picky eater and one who is not, there wasn’t ant thing that I found for them that was good. They love rice but everything had gluey crap on it. Why doesn’t anyone consider catering to kids? I also found everything deep fried or some kind of greasy glop. I don’t always agree with Gram Hicks but he is right on the money this time …. Where were the gourmet bits we are used too? Most of the stuff looked terrible. I didn’t even find the price of the tickets so bad what does that say? Needs big time improvement
Sounds like your experience is one echoed by many. Hope the noise that people are making might result in some changes (for the better) for Taste of Edmonton.
I sure hope so , was very disappointed, and people should speak out in a positive way. Bring back the tasty bits that used to be there. Even the food trucks were not that great, what a shame. Someone come up with a food truck or dish for kids by the way my grandkids are 6 yrs old, they know what they like believe me!