The Mangalitsa pig is a Hungarian heritage breed with a furry coat and meat so marbled it is referred to as the ‘Kobe beef of pork’. It is also a pig on the rise. Bred initially for its lard, it neared extinction after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire but then its numbers rose when it caught the interest of hobby farmers in the 1990s.  The name of the breed is spelled Mangalitza/Mangalitsa/Mangalica depending on the country in which its being raised. manga momma
We are lucky to have Country Accents Farm in Alberta as one of the few breeders of the pig in North America.
Malorie at farm

Malorie Aube of Country Accents and a wee Manga

Calling all chefs, food lovers, and anyone interested in butchery and charcuterie! Malorie Aube of Country Accents has organized a Mangalitsa workshop February 28 & 29th giving you the opportunity to learn directly from the Austrian masters Isabell & Christoph Wiesner!
Isabell & Christoph are the owners of Arche De Wiskentale, Mangalitza Breeding and processing farm in Austria. Christoph is also the president of IGWÖ, the Mangalitza Pig breeders Union of Austria. He has been breeding Mangalitza since 1999 and most of the genetic currently present in America comes from their farm. They are coming to Alberta to share their knowledge and their love for this wonderful breed.
The two day workshop February 28 -29, 2016, costs $400 and includes a dinner and beverage pairing at Vivo Ristorante, 18352 Lessard Rd, Edmonton. Spots are limited – to book your space, email Malorie at  This would make a fantastic Valentine’s present!

Day 1- How to maximize yield carcass & use Mangalitsa. 

Demonstration will include seam butchery, fresh cuts, and what you can do with offals and lard.

UPDATE: The butchery course is now offered separately for $200: Seam butchery will be 1st thing in the morning and would take up to 1/2 day to cover -- Fresh cuts, offals,
 lard and other ways to use Mangalitsa will follow.

Day 2- Charcuterie
Day will include an overview of meat curing around the world, curing & aging technics & methods for whole muscles, sausages, lard.

manga charcuterie

Not into butchery? No worries. Tickets for to Vivo Ristorante‘s dinner featuring Country Accent’s Mangalista pork created by Chef Michael Hassall on February 28, 2016, are also available. Tickets are 125.00 per person, call 780.756.7710 to reserve your seat. This menu includes beverage pairings:

red and butter leaf lettuce, limoncello vinaigrette, dried fruit, fresh fruit, toasted sunflower seeds

selection of cured meats, mostarde, pickled vegetables, rosemary crackers, crostini

pan seared scallops, mangalitsa lardo, beluga lentils, pink peppercorns

ricotta gnocchi, red wine reduction, mangalitsa ragu, pecorino

Roman-style marinade, roasted beets and carrots, parsnips, sour cherries, mushroom polenta

classic oreo with a selection of gelato

Malorie was on CBC Edmonton AM talking about her mangalitsas with Mark Connolly. Listen to the interview here

Credit goes to Country Accent Facebook page and for workshop and menu information.